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Lok Sabha or House of the People of India

Lok Sabha( House of the People)

The Indian Independent Act, 1947 declared the Constituent Assembly of India to be a full sovereign body. The Constituent Assembly acted as the Provisional Parliament with the power of the Constitution of India until the first Lok Sabha. The Hindi name Lok Sabha was adopted on 14th May in 1954.

i.                    Lok Sabha =  House of the People
ii.                  Indian Independent Act,1947
iii.                Constituent Assembly as the Provisional Parliament
iv.                 Date of Hindi Nomenclature:- 14th May, 1954
Election Procedure
The representatives are elected directly through vote by the people on the basis of Universal Adult Suffrage. The persons elected are called member of the parliament, shortly M.P. The Members of the Parliament are elected in this process either in the states or in the Union Territories.

Direct Vote

Eligibility of the Members
1.       A candidate must be an Indian citizen.
2.       His age must be at least of 25 years.
3.       He must possess all other eligibilities determined by the parliament.
4.       He must be a voter of any place in India.
5.       He must not be a bankrupt declared by the Indian court.
6.       He must not be a crazy or mentally ill person declared by any Indian court.
7.       He must not be a person loyal to other country.
8.       He must not possess any profitable post under the government of India or any state government.

i.                    Age:- 25
ii.                  Citizenship:- Indian
iii.                Eligibility:- Determined by the Constitution of India
iv.                 A Voter in India
v.                   Not for a person who is :-
1.       mentally ill
2.       criminal
3.       loyal to other country.
4.       Appointed to the Post of Profit in the State or the Union Government.

Number of Members
There are not more than 530 members from the states altogether. There are 20 members from the Union Territories.
The President of India can nominate two anglo-Indian members in accordance with the necessity. Presently, there are 545 members.

From States= 530
From Territories=20
Anglo-Indian= 2
At Present= 545
A member of parliament is given 5 years for a full term.  The President of India can break the parliament. During the time of emergency, parliament can extend the period of one year at a time.
Presiding Officer
Speaker is the chief in the house. He conducts the proceedings and maintains discipline. There is a list of Chairmen. There is a Deputy Speaker who acts as the Speaker in the absence of the Speaker.

Presiding Officer:-
1.       The Speaker
2.       The Deputy Speaker
Functions and Responsibilities:-
General Responsibilities:-
1.       General laws are made.
2.       Approval of the emergency is determined by the Lok Sabha.
3.       Constitution Amendment is an important responsibility for this House.

Removal :-
1.       The house will decide over the removal of the President.
2.       This house has an important role to decide the removal of the judges of the High Courts and the Supreme Court.
3.       The removal of the president or the members of the central public commission are determined by the members of this house.
4.       The removal of the Chief Election Commissioner of India is subject to the determination of the house.
5.       The removal of the Comptroller and the Auditor General is determined by the Loksabha.

Other Duties
1.       The House can make the cabinet powerless. It can banish the cabinet.
2.       Money Bill can only be raised in the Lok Sabha. All the power relating to financial bill is attributed to the House of the People.
3.       With the request of the one tenth members of the house, an arrangement can be made to discuss on the subject of emergency.
4.       This house can decide over the executive proposal on the withdrawal of the emergency.
5.       Lok Sabha can practise fruitful control on the ministers through various motion such as no confidence motion, censure motion, question hour, adjournment motion etc.

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